G. Gilbert Law Office Massachusetts  G. Gilbert Law Office

92 State Street, Suite 705, Boston, MA 02109  
Tel. 617-338-3177  

G. Gilbert Law Office Massachusetts
G. Gilbert Law Office

92 State Street, Suite 906, Boston, MA 02109  
Tel. 617-338-3177  


Judicial Review of Civil Service, a 28 page treatise by Galen Gilbert.

Municipal Civil Service Law, a chapter of a book, Massachusetts Municipal Law, published by Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education in 2001.

Galen Gilbert published the Massachusetts Merit System Reporter in 1997.  It is available from the Social Law Library.

Wrote the chapter on civil service law in The Judicial Handbook of Employment Law, distributed to all the Judges in the state. A commercial publisher published this book, with chapters by recognized experts.

Lectured and wrote the notes for a course on Municipal Civil Service law that I taught for Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education, attended by four hundred attorneys.

Editor of the Massachusetts Civil Service Reporter in 1996.